Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Connection Between Your Mouth and Your Body

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is an infection of the tissues which secure your teeth in place. It is suffice to say good dental health is important. No one ever has a wish to lose their teeth. Periodontal disease is highly prevalent in older adults, affecting; 34% of the American population aged >30 years (; 36 million persons), and it is severe in; 13% of adults*. Periodontal disease is typically caused by inadequate brushing and flossing habits. What are the causes of periodontal disease? Most times it starts with you. Brushing your teeth and flossing after are good habits to start and maintain. Not including brushing and flossing in your routine your mouth is open to a plaque attack. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria left unchecked plaque will build up on teeth and harder.

Various Studies have shown that periodontal disease has important systemic associations which can affect the risk factors for disease such as cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Since there seems to be a connection between oral health care and cardiovascular disease, why not look at some preventative care?

Now there are other reasons for cardiovascular disease can occur. Periodontal disease is preventable, taking a look at your oral health care habits may be useful. Below are some suggestions on how to prevent periodontal disease.

(1) The old standard of brushing your teeth at least two times as day still makes great sense. Now with travel and products like the Colgate Wisp, brushing throughout the day is even easier. Brushing can help to remove plaque on the tongue. This can cause bad breath and is an ideal chance for bacteria to start growing.

(2) Try an electric toothbrush which features rotating and oscillating. You may discover using this type of toothbrush can assist in the removal of plaque. (See our last blog - http://embryhillsdentalcare.blogspot.com/2012/01/is-power-toothbrush-right-for-you.html)

(3) Use an antiseptic mouthwash – there are several, try the one which has good reviews from your dentist

(4) Yes, get in the habit of flossing at least once a day. Curve the floss around each of your teeth. Do not rush. Be gentle as you slide the dental floss just under the gum line. Then use the floss moving it up and down to scrape of the plaque.

Dental care is important to your overall health. There are a lot of advertisements which only focus on a cosmetically appealing smile. However, having a health smile is even more important. You should make and keep your dental appointments. Working with your dental care professional can help you improve your health over the long run.

Article references

(*) Albandar JM, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Destructive periodontal disease in adults 30 years of age and older in the United States, 1988–1994. J Periodontol 1999; 70:13-29.

When you have questions about periodontal disease, please contact John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, and then visit www.atlantageneraldentistry.com to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Is a Power Toothbrush Right For You?

Where did you buy your last toothbrush? Most likely you bought your toothbrush and those for your family from your local grocery store or drug store. The majority of toothbrushes bought at these retail places cost under $5 U.S. With this in mind, the suggestion to purchase a power toothbrush may push you into sticker shock. These power brushes or electric toothbrushes can go over the $200 U.S. mark. Can a power toothbrush make a difference in your oral hygiene? To address this question you can consider the following.

(1) Power toothbrushes are more effective

Power toothbrushes brush more than 30,000 strokes per minute. The average with a manual toothbrush is about 100 strokes per minute. In my opinion Oral-B leads the pack. According to a 2005 independent study, “Brushes that worked with a rotation oscillation action removed more plaque and reduced gingivitis more effectively than manual brushes in the short and long-term... No other powered brush designs were consistently superior…”*

(2) Power toothbrushes are healthier

Usually rich in technology and features, electric toothbrushes deliver many oral health benefits. Selected models can even facilitate improved brushing habits. Hi-tech features include:

• Several brushing modes are designed to help with sensitive teeth, teeth whitening and some offer a gum-massage feature

• You may not know you are brushing to hard, if so, you will appreciate the pressure sensors which have a signal to alert you when you brush too hard

• Do you rush when you brush? Many models offer timers to help you know how long you brush your teeth

• Don’t know when to throw your toothbrush away? Some models offered by Oral-B, have digital reminders. These will let you know when to replace a brush head.

• Oral-B offers oscillating-rotating or sonic technology

(3) Power toothbrushes can save money

It is true that the initial cost of a power toothbrush is more than as everyday toothbrush. However, this is an investment in your health and well-being. Consider using a power toothbrush as it is less expensive than having to visit the dentist for periodontal treatment or to get a cavity filled. This does not even address the reduction in stress when you have one less dental visit. How much is this worth to you?

(4) Power toothbrushes clean better around braces and bridges

"It's critical to find a high-rated electric or sonic toothbrush, especially if you have braces. Orthodontic bands, brackets and wires can making cleaning the gum line difficult; it's not uncommon develop sore, red gum lines, white spots in the enamel, signs of early decay and gingivitis during the brace-wearing period." **

In conclusion, brushing and flossing is the best pair for caring for your oral health. When you add a professional dental care team, such as our team at Embry Hills Dental Care you are reducing your risk for periodontal disease, developing cavities, losing teeth and even oral cancer.

If you have any questions about the right Oral-B power toothbrush, general dental needs or even cosmetic procedures, please call John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, then visit www.atlantageneraldentistry.com to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

Article references

(*) Robinson PG, et al., Manual versus powered tooth brushing for oral health, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005; Issue 2. This study did not endorse, and is not affiliated with, Oral-B products.

(**) http://www.livestrong.com/article/225565-the-best-electric-toothbrush-for-braces/#ixzz1iV6Zikkq

The editorial content in this blog is not provided in place of or as a substitute to, recommendations from your medical, dental or mental health professional. Please consult with your individual health provider.