Thursday, July 19, 2012

Brighten Your Smile - Improve Self-Esteem!

Who doesn't want to have a bright and attractive smile? Psychology Today published an online article entitled "Beauty Beat: Brighter Teeth, Better Life? Bright smile, bright life. How to get whiter teeth and higher self-esteem." We can most likely all agree, having a great smile tells people that someone is confident and has high self-esteem.


Teeth can fade with age. In other instances teeth can lose their luster as the result of certain drinks, smoking or due to some pharmaceuticals. This may communicate to some people that someone who's teeth are discolored does not care about how they look. Having your teeth whitened can in most cases give people a sense of positive self- esteem when they can smile big and bright, without the insecurity of knowing nobody is staring looking at discolored teeth. Whitening teeth can assist in improving the condition of your teeth and prevent gum disease and thin enamel. More attention to general dental care is often the result of having a cosmetic procedure.

When you want a quick, effective way to improve the way you look and feel, teeth whitening by your dentist in Tucker, GA and the surrounding areas may be the answer! In a situation where your smile is in great function and health, but needing a little boost in appearance, teeth whitening is among the top solutions.

With the aging process, our teeth naturally become dull and stained. As mentioned, this is due to the foods we eat and cumulative life choices we make. Happily, these signs of aging can be reversed with a visit to Embry Hills Dental Care. In practically no time, teeth can be whitened.

In our office, we have various whitening options. We are proud to offer to our patients, ZOOM whitening.


Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed is a scientifically advanced teeth whitening procedure applied chairside at your dentist's office. It's ideal for anyone looking for immediate results, and now with the most advanced LED whitening technology from Philips, the results are even better than ever. Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed is a scientifically advanced teeth whitening procedure applied chairside at your dentist's office. It's ideal for anyone looking for immediate results, and now with the most advanced LED whitening technology from Philips, the results are even better than ever. However, if you feel at-home whitening is the more comfortable option for you, Dr. Robinson will design a custom whitening tray made just for you. Having customized whitening trays is a better option than over the counter trays which can lead to the misapplication of whitening product. This can lead to gum pain. Dental cosmetic procedures generally have better and longer lasting results with the assistance of a dental professional. We want you to see how magnificent the results of teeth whitening can be and help improve your confidence.

If you're looking for, the fastest way to look better and feel great, speak with John Robinson, DMD. your dentist for Tucker, GA. about teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry. Call to schedule your consultation today!

Monday, June 11, 2012

3 Ways To Improve Your Dental & General Health

Our teeth are important to our well-being. Of course, we know a smile enlightens our day. Would you agree it is worth it to keep the smile bright by taking good care of your teeth? In our practice, we offer teeth whitening/brightening solutions.

However, have whiter teeth is not the pinnacle of oral health, as many hold it out to be. Having a whiter smile is appealing, but your dental health is much more important. Can you imagine having a car with a dazzling paint job with ragged seats and a filthy interior? The answer should be, no. The same principle applies to our smile. Why have a white smile and have bad breath or health issues? In today’s appearance conscious world, many invest a lot of capital in looking good on the outside. Unfortunately, the lack of care for what is on the inside may get little concern.

More and more research is being shown to the public that good oral health can lead to better overall health. Here, are some ways to examine where giving more attention to your dental care can help your general health.

1. After the Yawning Ends Start Brushing

After you do your morning stretching walk into your bathroom, pick up the toothbrush and dental floss. Some people choose to wait until after breakfast to brush. Whichever you choose brush your teeth in the morning. First, developing a habit of brushing is excellent. Morning brushing helps to eliminate stale morning breath. Additionally, morning brushing helps since this can reduce the number of bacteria before exposing them to food. Thus, the amount of acid production is anticipated to be less, which is always a good thing.

Health Benefit of Morning Brushing

Brushing your teeth in the morning reduces acid on your teeth. Significant acid content in food and drinks which we all take in can do a job on your pearly whites. Acid in foods or liquids can cause irreversible erosion of tooth enamel. The results of the erosion can consist of sensitivity, pain, a greater prospect of tooth decay, and darker teeth, because the layer underneath our white enamel is dark.

2. Watch What You Eat (& Drink)

Some of the things we can do to improve our health are so painfully obvious they often go overlooked. Our staff will tell you that sugar and other sticky carbohydrates, like sugar coated cereals and snack foods, are the preliminary point of tooth decay. Other foods such as bread and raisins can cause problems too. Why? The problem is not just about too much sugar, but that the sugar and refined carbs are the starting point for the streptococcus bacteria inside the mouth. These bacteria live on a biofilm called plaque, and they produce acids. The acids eat away at the exterior layer of teeth. Saliva can only moderately neutralize the acid. If the acid stays on the enamel just 20 minutes, the teeth demineralization process starts.

Also, be careful of the very popular energy drinks., reports, “Energy drinks are worse for your teeth than either sports drinks or coffee.

Researchers recently analyzed 13 sports drinks and nine energy drinks. They immersed samples of human tooth enamel in the liquid for 15 minutes, followed by a soak in artificial human saliva for 2 hours. After five days of testing, the scientists found that 3.1 percent of protective enamel eroded in the energy drink samples compared to 1.5 percent in the sport drink group.”

3. Buy Dental Floss and Use It

If you have ever been to the dentist, you have heard the hygienist and dentist beg you to floss your teeth. Brushing your teeth is not enough. A vacuum cleaner today has several attachments to help clean various areas of your home. Your tooth brush is one attachment your dental floss is the nook and cranny attachment.
There are several paybacks to developing the practice of daily flossing. Dental floss can help remove food particles and plaque from the spaces between your teeth. These spaces cannot be reached in an effective manner by your tooth brush. Flossing is better than oral irrigators too. Using dental floss effectively helps prevent gum or periodontal diseases, tooth decay, and bad breath.

Good health to you.

Dr. John E. Robinson, DMD enjoys developing individualized care plans and related tips for his patients to aid in maintaining their overall dental health. Our practice offers the some of the most state-of-the-art advancements in assisting our patients healthy teeth and smile.

The Embry Hills Dental Care family would be pleased to discuss your dental concerns and offer the necessary information to help you and your family make educated decisions regarding your dental health.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Oral Cancer - Prevention the Best Medicine

Cancer, the mere mention of the word sends makes chills go down your spine. As scary as the word is, with today's information systems (i.e. Google) and medical advancements many people have more of an advantage than in years past. Additionally, many people are more aggressive in taking a more active role in their own health care. These individuals arm themselves with as much information as possible and often begin their search with how to avoid a disease altogether.

Oral Cancer is real and deadly. Cancer of the mouth, or oral cancer, will kill more Marylanders this year than either melanoma or cervical cancer. Only 50 percent of those diagnosed with the disease will survive five years. This information was reported by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH).The American Cancer Society's most recent estimates for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the United States are for 2012:About 35,000 people will get oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer. An estimated 6,800 people will die from these types of these cancers. These cancers are more than twice as common in men as in women. They are about equally common in blacks and in whites.

What are the risk factors?

Every part of your mouth can be susceptible to developing cancer. This includes your gums, the lining in your mouth and even the tongue and lips. It is good to remember that oral cancer is one type of cancer than in many instances can be completely avoided. You cannot change your age, sex or ethnicity - but if you have not been diagnosed with oral cancer you can work to avoid developing this condition. Here are some risk factors to for mouth and lip cancer:

• Individuals who consume excessive alcohol and those who smoke a lot are at grave risk
• Chewing tobacco is also an important risk factor for lip cancer
• Sun exposure increases the risk for lip cancer as well

The mirror (or two mirrors) can be a great aid in this case. Next time you are in front of a mirror take a good look inside your mouth. The signs can be right in front of your eyes. After taking this look do not ignore the signs. If you have a sore or an ulcer that does not heal, it will be a good idea to call your family doctor or dentist to have this examined. In the event, you have discomfort or pain which does not go away schedule a medical appointment quickly. Other items to look for which should not be ignored are as follows:

• White patches anywhere in your mouth (leukoplakia)
• Red patches anywhere in your mouth (erythroplakia)
• A lump on the lip, tongue or in the mouth or throat
• Unusual bleeding or numbness in the mouth
• Pain when chewing or swallowing
• A feeling that something is caught in the throat
• Unusual bleeding or numbness in the mouth
• Loose teeth
• Dentures feeling uncomfortable and not fitting properly
• A change in your voice
• Speech problems
• Weight loss
• A lump in the neck

Preventing disease is key to improving our health and that of our family's. When we invest in prevention, the benefits are widely shared.

This post is provided is a forum for you and your family's dental matters. No treatment should be taken based upon its contents. Please consult with a medical or dental professional.

When you have questions about periodontal disease, please contact John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, and then visit to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

Friday, March 30, 2012

What Can I Do About Sensitive Teeth

Have you ever experienced pain or funny tingling in your teeth? Has this occurred while eating sweets or very hot or cold foods? If, this has taken place you may have sensitive teeth.

Something that often adds to the frustration on sensitive teeth is the fact that the pain experienced is not consistent in many cases. Undergoing persistent pain could be a sign of more severe problems. Having a discussion of your symptoms with your dentist is important if you are dealing with sensitive teeth. Your dentist will very likely be able to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

In healthy teeth, porous tissue called dentin is protected by your gums and by your teeth's hard enamel shell. Microscopic holes in the dentin, called tubules, connect the nerves, triggering pain when irritated by certain foods and beverages.

How can my dentin be exposed?

1 Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard - Van B. Hayward, DMD, professor in the department of oral rehabilitation in the School of Dentistry at the Medical College of Georgia, says aggressive toothbrushing and consumption of acidic substances can wear down the enamel on teeth and also affect the gums.

2. Gum disease - As gums move away from a tooth due to disorders such as periodontal disease, the root surface becomes unprotected

3. Fractured or chipped teeth - Chipped or broken teeth may fill with bacteria from plaque and come into the pulp instigating inflammation

4. Clenching of grinding your teeth - grinding or clenching your teeth may wear down the enamel and uncover underlying dentin

5. Erosion due to the aging process - Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30

6. Acidic foods - Consistent consumption of foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea, can cause enamel erosion

Is There Anything I Can Do To Help My Sensitive Teeth?

Yes, there are a few areas to consider if you have to cope with sensitive teeth. One of the first is to maintain good oral hygiene. Do not stop brushing and flossing. Your brushing techniques may need to be changed and perhaps look into a different type of toothbrush. Additionally, become more watchful of what you eat and drink. Frequent consumption of highly acid foods can progressively dissolve tooth enamel and lead to dentin exposure. These foods could aggravate the sensitivity and initiate the pain reaction. If possible, avoid teeth your teeth. This condition can be eased with the use of a mouth guard at night. See your dentist at regular intervals. It pays to maintain your regular dental check-ups. Go ahead schedule your tooth cleaning appointment, especially if you have not seen your dentist in over six months. Can My Tooth Sensitivity Be Treated?

During your consultation and check-up with your dentist you may be advised to follow some of these treatments which can assist to relieve the symptom of sensitive teeth:

1. A soft bristle toothbrush or powered brush

2. A fluoride rinse or gel for sensitive teeth prescribed by our practice or your family dentist

3. A desensitizing toothpaste

Receiving a complete diagnosis will require a visit to your dental professional. Caring for your oral health includes more than regular visits to the dentist, maintaining good dental hygiene habits are essential to achieving and maintaining your oral health.

Dr. John E. Robinson, DMD enjoys developing individualized care plans and related tips for his patients to aid in maintaining their overall dental health. Our practice offers the some of the most state-of-the-art advancements in assisting our patients healthy teeth and smile.

The Embry Hills Dental Care family would be pleased to discuss your dental concerns and offer the necessary information to help you and your family make educated decisions regarding your dental health.

Article References

Assessing the efficacy of three dentifrices in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. - J Am Dent Assoc. 1996 Feb

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Gum Disease - The Effect On Your Health

Periodontal diseases may be isolated to your mouth; however, their effects are not. Maybe you have seen the white papers or other posts on the web speaking to the research coming forth on the relationship between periodontal health and general health. Adding credence to the adage, “You are what you eat.” There are known risk factors for periodontal disease; these include smoking and diabetes. Also as we age periodontal disease can become a dental health issue. Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the leading causes of tooth loss in older adults (1).

Periodontal disease is commonly referred to as gum disease. This is a group of diseases caused by bacterial plaque. This bacteria gathers daily between our teeth and gums. In the absence of effective daily oral hygiene, it will in quick order affect your dental health. In many instances, cases of bad breath (halitosis) are caused by the presence of the aforementioned oral bacteria. As a dentist, I can say first hand, the odor coming from the mouth of a patient with active gum disease is often so distinctive that I can correctly expect the presence of gum problems even before I begin their examination.

The bacteria left untreated will collect between teeth and gums. A daily routine to help combat these bacteria can be as simple as maintain your brushing and flossing. Your periodontal tissues are comprised of four defined structures: (1) gingiva, (2) cementum, (3) alveolar bone, and the (4) periodontal ligament. If the choice is made not to have good oral hygiene, you have an excellent chance of developing gingivitis.

In cases where plaque and tartar stay on teeth, eventually gingiva will become irritated. This will lead to gums becoming swollen, and they will bleed easily.

Research continues to show that Gingivitis can affect other areas of the body and thus health if left untreated. Remember, we started talking about the fact of gum disease originating from bacteria. It should be no surprise that bacteria is not a good thing for our bodies. If the bacterium enter into the bloodstream through our mouth, it can cause infections in other areas of our bodies. Other posts have discussed how gum disease has been connected to cardio vascular disease and pneumonia. When individuals who have gingivitis and diabetes, they can have problems controlling their blood sugar levels.

Taking note of the relationship between oral and general health will hopefully encourage you to schedule regular visits with your physician and dentist.

If you have any questions about gum disease, general dental needs or even cosmetic procedures, please call John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, then visit to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

(1) APA: Older Adults and Gum Disease. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Connection Between Your Mouth and Your Body

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is an infection of the tissues which secure your teeth in place. It is suffice to say good dental health is important. No one ever has a wish to lose their teeth. Periodontal disease is highly prevalent in older adults, affecting; 34% of the American population aged >30 years (; 36 million persons), and it is severe in; 13% of adults*. Periodontal disease is typically caused by inadequate brushing and flossing habits. What are the causes of periodontal disease? Most times it starts with you. Brushing your teeth and flossing after are good habits to start and maintain. Not including brushing and flossing in your routine your mouth is open to a plaque attack. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria left unchecked plaque will build up on teeth and harder.

Various Studies have shown that periodontal disease has important systemic associations which can affect the risk factors for disease such as cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Since there seems to be a connection between oral health care and cardiovascular disease, why not look at some preventative care?

Now there are other reasons for cardiovascular disease can occur. Periodontal disease is preventable, taking a look at your oral health care habits may be useful. Below are some suggestions on how to prevent periodontal disease.

(1) The old standard of brushing your teeth at least two times as day still makes great sense. Now with travel and products like the Colgate Wisp, brushing throughout the day is even easier. Brushing can help to remove plaque on the tongue. This can cause bad breath and is an ideal chance for bacteria to start growing.

(2) Try an electric toothbrush which features rotating and oscillating. You may discover using this type of toothbrush can assist in the removal of plaque. (See our last blog -

(3) Use an antiseptic mouthwash – there are several, try the one which has good reviews from your dentist

(4) Yes, get in the habit of flossing at least once a day. Curve the floss around each of your teeth. Do not rush. Be gentle as you slide the dental floss just under the gum line. Then use the floss moving it up and down to scrape of the plaque.

Dental care is important to your overall health. There are a lot of advertisements which only focus on a cosmetically appealing smile. However, having a health smile is even more important. You should make and keep your dental appointments. Working with your dental care professional can help you improve your health over the long run.

Article references

(*) Albandar JM, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Destructive periodontal disease in adults 30 years of age and older in the United States, 1988–1994. J Periodontol 1999; 70:13-29.

When you have questions about periodontal disease, please contact John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, and then visit to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Is a Power Toothbrush Right For You?

Where did you buy your last toothbrush? Most likely you bought your toothbrush and those for your family from your local grocery store or drug store. The majority of toothbrushes bought at these retail places cost under $5 U.S. With this in mind, the suggestion to purchase a power toothbrush may push you into sticker shock. These power brushes or electric toothbrushes can go over the $200 U.S. mark. Can a power toothbrush make a difference in your oral hygiene? To address this question you can consider the following.

(1) Power toothbrushes are more effective

Power toothbrushes brush more than 30,000 strokes per minute. The average with a manual toothbrush is about 100 strokes per minute. In my opinion Oral-B leads the pack. According to a 2005 independent study, “Brushes that worked with a rotation oscillation action removed more plaque and reduced gingivitis more effectively than manual brushes in the short and long-term... No other powered brush designs were consistently superior…”*

(2) Power toothbrushes are healthier

Usually rich in technology and features, electric toothbrushes deliver many oral health benefits. Selected models can even facilitate improved brushing habits. Hi-tech features include:

• Several brushing modes are designed to help with sensitive teeth, teeth whitening and some offer a gum-massage feature

• You may not know you are brushing to hard, if so, you will appreciate the pressure sensors which have a signal to alert you when you brush too hard

• Do you rush when you brush? Many models offer timers to help you know how long you brush your teeth

• Don’t know when to throw your toothbrush away? Some models offered by Oral-B, have digital reminders. These will let you know when to replace a brush head.

• Oral-B offers oscillating-rotating or sonic technology

(3) Power toothbrushes can save money

It is true that the initial cost of a power toothbrush is more than as everyday toothbrush. However, this is an investment in your health and well-being. Consider using a power toothbrush as it is less expensive than having to visit the dentist for periodontal treatment or to get a cavity filled. This does not even address the reduction in stress when you have one less dental visit. How much is this worth to you?

(4) Power toothbrushes clean better around braces and bridges

"It's critical to find a high-rated electric or sonic toothbrush, especially if you have braces. Orthodontic bands, brackets and wires can making cleaning the gum line difficult; it's not uncommon develop sore, red gum lines, white spots in the enamel, signs of early decay and gingivitis during the brace-wearing period." **

In conclusion, brushing and flossing is the best pair for caring for your oral health. When you add a professional dental care team, such as our team at Embry Hills Dental Care you are reducing your risk for periodontal disease, developing cavities, losing teeth and even oral cancer.

If you have any questions about the right Oral-B power toothbrush, general dental needs or even cosmetic procedures, please call John Robinson, DMD, at Embry Hills Dental Care 678-383-2622.

Looking to find the more information on Dentist In Tucker, Dental Care In Tucker, then visit to find the best advice on Family Dental Care in Tucker for you.

Article references

(*) Robinson PG, et al., Manual versus powered tooth brushing for oral health, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005; Issue 2. This study did not endorse, and is not affiliated with, Oral-B products.


The editorial content in this blog is not provided in place of or as a substitute to, recommendations from your medical, dental or mental health professional. Please consult with your individual health provider.